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Micro-beam bending of FCC bicrystals: A comparison between defect dynamics simulations and experiments


Nicole K. Aragon, Ye-eun Na, Phu Cuong Nguyen, Dongchan Jang, Ill Ryu

저널 정보




To understand the role of the grain boundary (GB) in plasticity at small scale, a concurrently coupled mesoscale plasticity model was developed to simulate micro-bending of bicrystalline micron-sized beams. By coupling dislocation dynamics (DD) with a finite element model (FEM), a novel defect dynamics model provides the means to investigate intricate interactions between dislocations and GBs under various loading conditions. Our simulations of micro-bending agree well with corresponding micro-bending experiments, and they show that mechanical response of bicrystals could have not only hardening but also softening depending on the characters of the GB. In addition, changing the location of the GB in the microbeams results in different mechanical responses; GBs located at the neutral plane show softening compared to single crystals, while inclined GBs located halfway along the length of the beam show little effect. Simulation results could provide a clear picture on detailed dislocation-GB interactions, and quantitative resolved shear stress analysis supplemented by dislocation density distribution is used to analyze the mechanical response of bicrystalline samples.